Facing Down Sudden Fear.

"Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes;" Proverbs 3:25 (NASB)

This blog is not about various bible translations. However, there are times when one version can cause confusion and another or several others can help us understand. 

I hear many who fear what lies ahead for us. Most hope for a revival and a restoration of our society based on Christian principles. I don't think that going to happen. I think the clock is nearing the Day of Christ. 

What is sudden fear that we are not to be afraid of? - I think it is just what is happening. Suddenly we have things to be afraid of that we have not though of until the last 2-4 years. Things are happening that were unthinkable a very short time ago. 

What is the onslaught of the wicked? - The word "onslaught" carries the idea of an attack and so I think that the verse predicts an attack of or by the wicked. Actually is reverse is more to the point.  

A quick comparison give these two alternate readings and, at least for me, a clearer understanding. 

"Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes," Proverbs 3:25 (ESV)

"Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked," Proverbs 3:25 (NIV)

I have been fighting the effort to go down the path of pointing out where our sudden fear seems to be coming from. But I resist it because what we face now is no different than what others have faced in the past and Christ has made the provision for all of his own to live for ever even if they die.   

As a believer of Jesus Christ we can know that the future, whatever it becomes will never change the promises of our God. What Jesus has promised us will stand forever. Even in the face of death, Christians around the world are finding out that Christ is with them always and if they face death, He is still there as they die for Him. 

Dying for Christ is not shameful and it most certainly is not the end of your life. You may know some who have died as they stood faithful to their Lord and Savior. You may know some who will and it may even get much closer than that to you. Do not be afraid of that sudden fear. Nothing on this earth is more valuable than the life Christ has given to you. At sometime, as in the past, the wicked will face their ruin for their wickedness. At sometime, as in the past, faithful believers will suffer persecution and death because of their faith. The difference is what happens afterward. Stay faithful and true for Christ has promised to welcome all who die in His name. 

The wicked? Not so much. The promise for them wicked is destruction - eternal destruction. 

Stay positive in the Lord. Positive that what you read in His Word is true and focus on it - it brings strength to fight sudden fear. 


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