A New Unchained Melody
This was surprising. I never ever participate in chain letters - and that goes back to the days when sending letter through the USPS was the only way. Invitation to participate in a chain letter went directly where it belonged in the round file and I never saw it again. Same practice when they started happening on email and same thing when the new version of share games on Facebook cropped up. Nope, I do not send the stories about sick children, miracles, or the appeals to "help me get _____ shares." The good luck/bad luck threats go past me too. Some of my best friends and even close family members show in my FB feed with the appeal they have passed on. I ignore and with the very smallest amount of guilt which is adjusted by how close the friend or relationship is. It's a policy and I stick to it. But when I received one in my email from a casual friend, who I really like, I stopped and considered it. It sounded so good, what can be wrong about ...