
Showing posts from March, 2016

A New Unchained Melody

This was surprising.  I never ever participate in chain letters - and that goes back to the days when sending letter through the USPS was the only way.  Invitation to participate in a chain letter went directly where it belonged in the round file and I never saw it again.  Same practice when they started happening on email and same thing when the new version of share games on Facebook cropped up.  Nope, I do not send the stories about sick children, miracles, or the appeals to "help me get _____ shares." The good luck/bad luck threats go past me too. Some of my best friends and even close family members show in my FB feed with the appeal they have passed on.  I ignore and with the very smallest amount of guilt which is adjusted by how close the friend or relationship is. It's a policy and I stick to it. But when I received one in my email from a casual friend, who I really like, I stopped and considered it.  It sounded so good, what can be wrong about ...

Hold Fast Without Wavering - Don't Be Chaff

Today the news in the world is once again full of what the wicked are doing in this world. And it seems like so many who say that they believe in God, in Christ Jesus, and call themselves Christian are being swallowed up by the world's reasoning.  It also reminds us that to truly believe and to stand up for what the pure Word of God says is going to be too difficult to do without God's understanding and His grace. A difficult time is coming for all who profess to believe the Word of God and commit to live according to its truth.   "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised if faithful;" Hebrews 10:23 (NASB) Now, there is a promise that all the other promised of God can be trusted. The promise that God is faithful is enough because with God there will be no exception. "God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he n...

The Tribulation that is Overcome

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ and if you live in America, you probably have never experienced what these words truly promised.  Yes, we have trials and tribulations which disrupt our lives and rob us of our peace and we turn to this verse and verses like it that promise God's  supremacy and sovereignty over the world and whatever is the source of our trouble. These trials are nothing to be trivial about, they are real.  Sometime what seems like a small matter to others is a major matter to us.  So I understand that Christians have had tribulations - but most of the tribulation we have are things that any person experiences whether they are believer or not. All who live may experience what we call tribulation such as:     death of a spouse, child, parent or even dear friend; ...